Twin Oak Farms is located on the beautiful Lower Eastern Shore near Stockton MD. Founded in 1941 the farm has the premier farm market in the area. For many years a local store known as “Blevins Market” owned by the Blevins family was on this site but closed in 1975. Around 2010 Rick and Valerie Blevins started selling vegetables and Canned Goods which Valerie makes on the farm from a farm wagon. From its start on the wagon, the market moved into a new market building in 2016. Twin Oak Farms boasts local fruits and vegetables along with other local products such as meats, honey, syrup, dairy products, and much more from Twin Oak Farms as well as other local farms. The farm market has a large selection of Delicious Canned Goods made right on the farm. In our Licensed Farm Kitchen we produce Value Added Food products such as, Jams, Salsas, Relishes, Butters, and Pickles. We have an exciting variety of recipes ranging from those handed down through our family to our very own creations (Val’s originals), “Just Like Grand Mom used to make” which has a following throughout the United States and further. They truly are “Comfort in a Jar”.